
The Creative Agency | Place Brands as Drivers for More Liveable Architectural Outcomes

Joy Nazzari
DNCo. | London, UK

Joy Nazzari advises governments and multi-billion-pound companies on how to design places that meet human – not just developer – needs via her branding and design agency dn&co. She is also the founder of proptech company Showhere, a presentation platform that helps property companies sell and lease buildings. Her current clients include some of the biggest names in the industry, including British Land, Argent Related and Stanhope.

Joy was born in Brazil and educated in the US where she started her career in Silicon Valley. There, she helped to bring a large number of dot.com companies to the stock market and worked with future leaders such as Amazon, before relocating to London. She is a strong advocate of improving gender and ethnic diversity in the property and tech sectors.

The Filmmaker | Can films actually inspire how a building will look and operate; influencing who will use it, and how?


The Artist | The Power of Identity